AI Prompt Principle for Instructions


The table above outlines principles and techniques for effectively prompting large language models such as GPT and Claude AI. It provides 25 tips for structuring prompts in a way that elicits the desired output from the model. The tips cover formatting prompts clearly, using examples, asking questions, assigning roles, and more. Following these principles can help users take full advantage of the power and potential of large language models.

Adopting these prompt engineering best practices enables users to tap into the vast capabilities of LLM while avoiding common pitfalls. The table serves as a concise reference guide for structuring effective prompts.

1No need to be polite with LLM so there is no need to add phrases like "please", "if you don't mind", "thank you". "I would like to", etc., and get straight to the point.
2Integrate the intended audience in the prompt, e.g., the audience is an expert in the field.
3Break down complex tasks into a sequence of simpler prompts in an interactive conversation.
4Employ affirmative directives such as 'do,' while steering clear of negative language like 'don't'.
5When you need clarity or a deeper understanding of a topic, idea, or any piece of information, utilize the following prompts:
  • Explain [insert specific topic] in simple terms.
  • Explain to me like I'm 11 years old.
  • Explain to me as if I'm a beginner in [field].
  • Write the [essay/text/paragraph] using simple English like you're explaining something to a 5-year-old.
6Add "I'm going to tip $xxx for a better solution!"
7Implement example-driven prompting (Use few-shot prompting). When formatting your prompt, start with '##Instruction#', followed by cither '##Example#' or '##Question#' if relevant. Subsequently, present your content. Use one or more line breaks to separate instructions, examples, questions, context, and input data.
8Incorporate the following phrases: "Your task is" and "You MUST".
9Incorporate the following phrases: "You will be penalized".
10Use the phrase "Answer a question given in a natural, human-like manner" in your prompts.
11Use leading words like writing "think step by step".
12Add to your prompt the following phrase "Ensure that your answer is unbiased and does not rely on stereotypes".
13Allow the model to elicit precise details and requirements from you by asking you questions until he has enough information to provide the needed output (for example, "From now on, I would like you to ask me questions to..").
14To inquire about a specific topic or idea or any information and you want to test your understanding. you can use the following phrase: "Teach me the [Any theorem/topic/rule name] and include a test at the end, but don't give me the answers and then tell me if I got the answer right when I respond"
15Assign a role to the large language models.
16Use Delimiters.
17Repeat a specific word or phrase multiple times within a prompt.
18Combine Chain-of-thought (CoT) with few-Shot prompts.
19Use output primers, which involve concluding your prompt with the beginning of the desired output. Utilize output primers by ending your prompt with the start of the anticipated response.
20To write an essay /text /paragraph /article or any type of text that should be detailed: "Write a detailed [essay/text/paragraph] for me on [topic] in detail by adding al the information necessary".
21To correct/change specific text without changing its style: "Try to revise every paragraph sent by users. You should only improve the user's grammar and vocabulary and make sure it sounds natural. You should not change the writing style, such as making a formal paragraph casual"
22When you have a complex coding prompt that may be in different files: "From now and on whenever you generate code that spans more than one file, generate a [programming language ] script that can be run to automatically create the specified files or make changes to existing files to insert the generated code. [your question]".
23When you want to initiate or continue a text using specific words, phrases, or sentences, utilize the following prompt:
  • I'm providing you with the beginning [song lyrics/story/paragraph/essay..]: [Insert lyrics/words/sentence]'. Finish it based on the words provided. Keep the flow consistent.
24Clearly state the requirements that the model must follow in order to produce content, in the form of the keywords, regulations, hint, or instructions
25To write any text, such as an essay or paragraph, that is intended to be similar to a provided sample, include the following instructions:
  • Please use the same language based on the provided paragraph[/title/text /essay/answer].

By following these prompt engineering principles, users can harness the power of LLMs to accomplish a wide range of useful tasks, from answering questions to generating code to summarizing text. 

With thoughtful prompt design, these models can provide immense value across many domains. Adopting the tips in this reference table can help users structure prompts that elicit the desired outputs from these impressive models.

How to Humanize Your AI Content

As AI content generation becomes more advanced, it's important to ensure the output still sounds natural and appealing to human readers. AI-generated text can sometimes sound robotic, overly formal, or just generally unnatural.

The tips in this guide will help you prompt your AI assistant to produce content that reads like a human wrote it - not a robot. Let's explore some key techniques for humanizing your AI content.


Providing writing samples and prompting the AI to analyze and mimic your personal writing style is an effective way to humanize content.

Prompt #1

Here is a recent article I've written: [insert document or URL]

Analyze my tone, how I form sentences and paragraphs, the level of detail I use in explanations, the amount of humor I use, how often I ask the reader questions, the readability level I use, the vocabulary I use, and the level of emotion I convey in my writing.

Give me a 200 word summary of what you've learned.

Prompt #2

Based on the writing style analyzed from the provided article, create content titled [insert title] at [word count] words. Ensure that the new content strictly adheres to the author's writing style in terms of tone, structure, and approach as identified in the analysis.

Personal Experience

Integrating relevant personal experiences and opinions is another way to inject a human element into AI writing.

Here's my about page: [insert about page].

Learn about my experience and stories that qualify me as an author for the content we'll write.

Also, here's a personal opinion that will shape how you write your content: [insert personal opinion]

Create content titled [insert title] at [word count] words with some of this personal experience and opinion lightly sprinkled in. The integration should be subtle at a level of [1-10] out of 10.


Limiting complex vocabulary and rewriting perplexing phrasing helps the AI avoid unnatural language.

Don't always use the most natural words. Use the following words fewer than 3 times on this page: unique, ensure, utmost.

Before outputting the content, review it for the following words and rewrite those sentences with appropriate alternatives: meticulous, meticulously, navigating, complexities, realm, bespoke, tailored, towards, underpins, ever-changing, ever-evolving, the world of, not only, seeking more than just, designed to enhance, it’s not merely, our suite, it is advisable, daunting, in the heart of, when it comes to, in the realm of, amongst unlock the secrets, unveil the secrets, and robust.

Please stick to the above when creating content titled [insert title] at [word count] words.


Varying sentence structure adds natural rhythm and flow.

Ensure heterogeneous paragraphs.

Ensure heterogeneous sentence lengths.

And stick to primarily short, straightforward sentences.

Please stick to the above when creating content titled [insert title] at [word count] words.

Fact Insertion

Providing specific facts for the AI to integrate makes the content more substantive.

Fact #1: [insert fact]

Fact #2: [insert fact]

Please use these facts when creating content titled [insert title] at [word count] words.


Removing fluff helps streamline the content and keep it focused.

Do not include any fluff when producing content. Each sentence should provide value to the overall goal of the content piece. Strictly follow this guideline.

Please stick to the above when creating content titled [insert title] at [word count] words.


Encouraging conversational tone, empathy, and humor injects the human element.

Engagement is the highest priority.

Be conversational, empathetic, and occasionally humorous.

Use idioms, metaphors, anecdotes and natural dialogue.

Please stick to the above when creating content titled [insert title] at [word count] words.

Target Audience

Specifying audience traits allows the AI to tailor the content accordingly.

My target audience has the following characteristics:

  1. [insert demographic information]
  2. [insert tone preferences]
  3. [insert reading level preference]

Please stick to the above when creating content titled [insert title] at [word count] words.

By following these tips and prompts, you can help your AI assistant produce content that is much more natural, conversational, and engaging for human readers. The key is providing examples of your own writing style, limiting perplexing language, varying structure, inserting facts and opinions, removing fluff, and specifying audience traits. With the right guidance, your AI can emulate human writing quirks and create content that delights.